★ finn ★

they / 21 / white

my big intrests are pandora hearts, yugioh, and fairy tail
kamen rider
god eater
blue exorcist
genshin impact
vanitas no carte
night on the galactic railroad
i flip through intrests pretty fast sometimes so if you follow me for an intrest i can't guarantee it'll last long
i won't tag any of these ever so if it makes you uncomfortable just don't follow sorryyyy
i am critical of all my interests

im finn im 21 and i live in the midwest. I have a dog and a cat, and my favorite things in the world are pandora hearts and mcdonalds coca cola. I like to draw 'furry' art even though i dont really like to lable myself as one I guess thats what my art mostly falls into. The main thing i draw is usually 'animalfied' versions of characters from things i like. And its what I post about 70% of the time.. I have a habit of disappearing from this account, and sometimes social media as a whole, for months at a time. please be patient with me if i take a while to respond to your dms.
if you need me though i am almost certain to be available on my toyhou.se.
i don't really have a dni list but for the basics dont follow me if youre a proshipper or anything in that area literally stay away from me idgaf
i am a part of the multi-animation project community. whenever i talk about maps i mean exclusivly this.